Saturday, August 16, 2008

My General Introduction

I was originally going to just use my Livejournal to track this, and then I wrote a pretty paper journal, and I thought I may as well dive in and give myself an entire separate space online to update. I doubt everyone on my Livejournal friendslist is interested in reading weekly updates without big achievements in them, so I'll save that for here.

I started the 101 in 1001 project at the suggestion of an online friend. Due to the coincidence of the start and end dates, the list also doubles as "101 things to finish before college is over". I will also be married during the time that the list is in progress. Hopefully having completed the list will leave me in a better place to start my "not in school" life. I also hope that I'll start a new list when the first one is done, though I can't promise I'll do that.

I tried to mix up my goals. There are frivolous ones and important ones, short-term, long-term, and medium-term ones, and a bunch of different categories for them. Some have obvious time-frames that they have to be completed in (eg #1, voting, and #86, honeymooning in Arles), but most don't.

I intend to update every week with progress, as well as making a monthly "goals" post, to outline goals that I hope to complete or make special progress on during that month. This may change, mostly dependant on how busy my life gets.

Wish me luck!

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