Saturday, October 4, 2008

October Goals

I'm a little late on these, but without further ado: the October goals!

Jay and I just got ourselves a new camera, so we're going to get some nice pictures of us (#8), hopefully. His mom really wants some pictures of us, since she never sees us, and I feel like I'd want to have them, too.

I really want to get my new desk (#47). The old one is too small and also I worry about breaking it if I have too many heavy things on it. It's a "secretary desk" (like the one to the right of this paragraph) and the part that folds down is the part that I have to put my laptop, books, and everything on. I don't think it's strong enough to hold the pressure, and I really like the desk so I don't want it to break. If I do get my new desk, I'm going to move the current one out next to the front door to use it as an organizer / storage desk.

While I'm rearranging, I might as well fix the dining table (#48). Right now, we literally never eat on it. We use it as a catch-all for everything when we first get into the apartment. But when I move the desk out, I'll have a new, better-organized place for mail and such, so we won't be tempted to use the table that way. I'm also going to move the chairs around so we can face out the window, and get some place mats so we don't damage the table.

I'm going to retry #76, not missing work. I could use the stability of income for making a budget (#55). I also don't want to be in trouble for missing shifts and all that.

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